Watercolor Wednesday - White Still Life

Watercolor Wednesday - White Still Life

Most of the time my MIL and SIL and I work on whatever we want to in watercolor class. Most people enrolled are beginners and we've already heard the speil, several times over. Not that a review of the basics isn't nice once in a while, but we've moved on to more complex subject matter. That and  . . .  well, we just want to talk amongst ourselves. It's one of the reasons we keep taking watercolor class - to visit.

But every so often our evil instructor exacts her revenge. This night she set up a completely white still life of basics shapes - cones, cylinders, boxes, spheres, etc. - on a wrinkly white sheet, and required all to attempt it. As I said, Eeeevil.

I decided to go monochromatic instead of grayscale and chose either Prussian Blue, Paynes Gray or Indigo, because, well, I had to have some fun with it. This is my humble attempt, finished in one sitting. It is no doubt a difficult but good thing to do on ocassion.


100 Day Project - Patterns - Week 13

100 Day Project - Patterns - Week 13

100 Day Project - Patterns - Week 12

100 Day Project - Patterns - Week 12